

The following publications are sorted chronologically, with the most recent appearing first.

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Could AI Speak on Behalf of Future Humans?

Feb 2024
By Konstantin Scheuermann & Angela Aristidou


Do Education Reforms Increase Access to Learning?

Jan 2024
Rie Kijima, Patricia Bromley, Jared Furuta, Lisa Overbey, Minju Choi, and Heitor Santos


Data as the New Panacea: Trends in Global Education Reforms, 1970-2018

Jan 2024
Patricia Bromley, Tom Nachtigal and Rie Kijima

World Education Reform DatabaseOverview

Jan 2024
Juliana Prah and Anukriti Randev


Philanthropy and Digital Civil Society: Blueprint 2024

Dec 2023
The Annual Industry Forecast by Lucy Bernholz


World Education Reform Database: Overview Brief

Dec 2023
Juliana Prah and Anukriti Randev


World Culture, Education, and Organization

Oct 2023
Minju Choi, Hannah K. D’Apice, Nadine Ann Skinner, Patricia Bromley


Education in a Postliberal World Society

Oct 2023
Furuta, J., Meyer, J. W., & Bromley, P.

Environment, Education

Climate change discourse in U.S. history textbooks from California and Texas

Aug 2023
Hannah K. D’Apice, Patricia Bromley, & Emma Dolan  Corresponding author,


Global Determinants of Education Reform, 1960-2017

Aug 2023
Patricia Bromley, Jared Furuta, Rie Kijima, Lisa Overbey, Minju Choi & Heitor Santos Stanford University & University of Toronto


The Social Effects of Entrepreneurship on Society and Some Potential Remedies: Four Provocations

Jun 2023
Tim Weiss, Robert Eberhart, and Daniel Aldrich


From Doing Good to Being Good: The Movement for Nonprofit Social Responsibility

Jun 2023
Shawne Pope and Patricia Bromley

Environment, Education

What do history textbooks teach teens about climate change?

May 2023
Josie Garthwaite 

Professions and Wealth: The Philanthropy of High-Earning Professionals

Apr 2023
Micah McElroy, Associate Director of Research, Effective Philanthropy Learning Initiative, with contributions from Rebecca Shamash, Megan Farwell, Taylor Stephens, and Vera Michalchik


Decolonizing Data, One Language At A Time

Mar 2023
Claudia Magallanes Blanco, Sabelo Mhlambi, Nanjala Nyabola, Nick Couldry, Toussaint Nothias, Kathleen Siminyu


Philanthropy and Digital Civil Society: Blueprint 2023

Dec 2022
The Annual Industry Forecast by Lucy Bernholz

Guide to Effective Philanthropy

Sep 2022
By Paul Brest


The Organizational Foundations of the Nonprofit Sector

Aug 2022
Patricia Bromley & Heitor Santos

Innovative Deviance in a Rule-Bound City-State

Jul 2022
by Wayne Yeo, Ling Han, Winnie Jiang, and Nitin Natrajan


A Lexicon of Key Words in Kiswahili

Jun 2022
Nanjala Nyabola, Digital Civil Society Lab Practitioner Fellow


AAVE: A Collection of AAVE By Black Speakers For NLP Data

Jun 2022
Jazmia Henry, Digital Civil Society Lab Practitioner Fellow
Research Paper


Philanthropy and Digital Civil Society: Blueprint 2022

Dec 2021
The Annual Industry Forecast by Lucy Bernholz


Digital Surveillance, Civil Society and The Media During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Nov 2021
Toussaint Nothias, Kyra Jasper, Amélie-Sophie Vavrovsky, Sophia Beauvoir, and Lucy Bernholz


The Gender Dimensions of Foreign Influence Operations

Nov 2021
Samantha Bradshaw and Amélie Henle


Unravelling DNA: An explainer on the political and social consequences of DNA testing and databases

Oct 2021
Zara Rahman, Digital Civil Society Lab Practitioner Fellow


Announcing: Australian Edition of the Toolkit

Oct 2021
The Australian Toolkit EPLI has partnered with Perpetual Asset Management Australia to create an Australian version of the Toolkit available for free online here.  


Open Social Innovation

Aug 2021
Mair, J., & Gegenhuber, T. 2021. Stanford Social Innovation Review (Fall): 26-33.

Research Paper

Alternative Organizing with Social Purpose: Revisiting Institutional Analysis of Market-Based Activity

Aug 2021
Mair, J., & Rathert, N. 2021. Socio-Economic Review. Online First: DOI: 10.1093/ser/mwz031.

Education, Article

Education for global citizenship and sustainable development in social science textbooks

Aug 2021
Jeremy David Jimenez, Julia Lerch, and Patricia Bromley

Research Paper

The Virus And The Vote: Administering the 2020 Election In A Pandemic

Jul 2021
A Compendium of Research from the Stanford-MIT Healthy Elections Project



Decoding Digital Democracy in Africa

Jun 2021
Julie Owono, Nanjala Nybola, ‘Gbenga Sesan, Toussaint Nothias, Nic Cheeseman and Lisa Garbe


Digital Technology and Democratic Theory

May 2021
Edited by Lucy Bernholz, Hélène Landemore and Rob Reich


Philanthropy and Digital Civil Society: Blueprint 2021

Dec 2020
The Annual Industry Forecast by Lucy Bernholz


Changing Systems? Welcome to the Slow Movement

Dec 2020
Seelos, C. 2020. Stanford Social Innovation Review (Winter):40-47.


Reimagining Philanthropy

Dec 2020
by Lucy Bernholz

White Paper

Report of the Working Group on Platform Scale

Nov 2020
Francis Fukuyama, Barak Richman, Ashish Goel, Marietje Schaake, Roberta R. Katz, Douglas Melamed


White Paper

Internet Infrastructure and Human Rights: A Reading List

Oct 2020
Beatrice Martini, Digital Civil Society Lab Practitioner Fellow
Research Paper

Research Paper

Judgments of Economic Fairness Are Based More on Perceived Economic Mobility Than Perceived Inequality

Sep 2020
Nicholas Heiserman, Brent Simpson, Robb Willer


Political partisanship influences behavioral responses to governors’ recommendations for COVID-19 prevention in the United States

Sep 2020
Guy Grossman,  Soojong Kim, Jonah M. Rexer, and  Harsha Thirumurthy
Research Paper

Research Paper

Conservative and liberal attitudes drive polarized neural responses to political content

Sep 2020
Yuan Chang Leong, Janice Chen, Robb Willer, and Jamil Zaki


What’s your impact?

Sep 2020
Maggie Coggan
Research Paper

Research Paper

Short Messages Encouraging Compliance with COVID-19 Public Health Guidelines Have Minimal Persuasive Effects

Aug 2020
Sophia Pink, Michael Stagnaro, James Chu, Joe Mernyk, Jan Voelkel, Robb Willer

Article, Education

Content Analysis of Textbooks via Natural Language Processing: Findings on Gender, Race, and Ethnicity in Texas U.S. History Texbooks

Jul 2020
Li Lucy, Dorottya Demszky, Patricia Bromley and Dan Jurafsky

Research Paper

Bay Area Millennial Giving: Current Trends, Challenges, & Opportunities (May 2020)

Jul 2020
By Judy Park & Kavya Shankar  


How Civic Organizations Are Helping to Fight COVID-19

May 2020
Aaron Horvath and Jean Lin

Research Paper

Access granted: Facebook’s free basics in Africa

Apr 2020
Nothias, T. 2020. Media, Culture & Society.  


The Nonprofit Sector: A Research Handbook

Apr 2020
by Walter W. Powell and Patricia Bromley

Research Paper

How We Give Now: Conversations Across the United States

Mar 2020
By Lucy Bernholz, PhD, and Brigitte Pawliw-Fry

Research Paper

The Psychology of Entrenched Privilege: High Socioeconomic Status Individuals From Affluent Backgrounds Are Uniquely High in Entitlement

Mar 2020
Stéphane Côté, Jennifer E. Stellar, Robb Willer, Rachel C. Forbes, Sean R. Martin, and Emily C. Bianchi

Research Paper

Integrated Advocacy: Paths Forward for Digital Civil Society

Jan 2020
by Lucy Bernholz, Nicole Ozer, Kip Wainscott, and Wren Elhai


Philanthropy and Digital Civil Society: Blueprint 2020

Dec 2019
The Annual Industry Forecast by Lucy Bernholz


Social Enterprises = Sharing Economy Organizations?

Dec 2019
Johanna Mair, Nikolas Rathert and Georg Reischauer. The Business of Society Sep 2019.

Research Paper

The Organizational Reproduction of Inequality

Dec 2019
Amis, J., Mair, J., Munir, K. 2020. Academy of Management Annals


Scaling innovative ideas to create inclusive labour markets

Dec 2019
Mair, J. 2018. Nature Human Behaviour.


Innovation Is Not the Holy Grail

Dec 2019
Seelos, C., & Mair, J. 2012. Stanford Social Innovation Review(Fall): 45-49.

Research Paper

Scaffolding: A Process of Transforming Patterns of Inequality in Small-Scale Societies.

Dec 2019
Mair, J., Wolf, M., & Seelos, C. 2016. Academy of Management Journal, 59(6): 2021-2044.

Research Paper

Building Inclusive Markets in Rural Bangladesh: How Intermediaries Work Institutional Voids.

Dec 2019
Mair, J., Martí, I., & Ventresca, M. J. 2012. Academy of Management Journal, 55(4): 819-850.

Research Paper

Profitable business models and market creation in the context of deep poverty: A strategic view.

Dec 2019
Seelos, C., & Mair, J. 2007. Academy of Management Perspectives, 21(4): 49-63.


Nonprofit Goals, For-Profit Tactics

Oct 2019
Alisha Green, Silicon Valley Business Journal


When Nonprofits Act Like Businesses, Transparency Improves

Oct 2019
Louise Lee, Insights by Stanford Business


The Language of Nonprofits is Changing

Oct 2019
Louise Lee, Insights by Stanford Business


Interstitial Organizations as Conversational Bridges

Oct 2019
Valeska Korff, Achim Oberg, and Walter W. Powell


Institutional analysis in a digital era: Mechanisms and methods to understand emerging fields

Oct 2019
Walter W. Powell, Achim Oberg, Valeska Korff, Carrie Oelberger, and Karina Kloos

Governing the Crossroads: Interstitial Communities and the Fate of Nonprofit Evaluation

Oct 2019
Valeska P. Korff, Achim Oberg, Walter W. Powell   


Social Service Mergers: Hope Services & Skills Center

Oct 2019
Victoria Chang and Walter W. Powell


Civic Engagement and Nonprofit Lobbying in California, 1998-2003

Oct 2019
David F. Suárez and Hokyu Hwang


Decoupling Revisited: Common Pressures, Divergent Strategies in the U.S. Nonprofit Sector

Oct 2019
Patricia Bromley, Hokyu Hwang, and Walter W. Powell 


Internal and External Determinants of Formal Plans in the Nonprofit Sector

Oct 2019
Hokyu Hwang and Patricia Bromley


Click and mortar: Organizations on the web

Oct 2019
Walter W. Powell, Aaron Horvath, Christof Brandtner


Serve or Conserve: Mission, Strategy, and Multi-Level Nonprofit Change During the Great Recession

Oct 2019
Aaron Horvath, Christof Brandtner, Walter W. Powell


The Welfare Effects of Social Media

May 2019
Hunt Alcott, Associate Professor of Economics, NYU Luca Braghieri, Economics, Stanford University Sarah Eichmeyer, Economics, Stanford University Matthew Gentzkow, Professor of Economics, Stanford University




Resolving the Progressive Paradox: Conservative Value Framing of Progressive Economic Policies Increases Candidate Support

May 2019
Jan Voelkel and Robb Willer. “Resolving the Progressive Paradox: Conservative Value Framing of Progressive Economic Policies Increases Candidate Support.” SSRN Working Paper.

Student Paper

Alexa and Elections: How Voice Interactive Devices and Assistants Alter the Provision of Political Information

May 2019
Ben Murphy, LLM (LST) Candidate, Stanford University 


Student Paper

FOSTA, Explicit Content Bans, and Free Speech

Apr 2019
Brynne O’Neal, J.D. Candidate, Stanford Law School 


Student Paper

Analyzing the Effectiveness of Secure Elections as an Application of Blockchain Technology

Apr 2019
Salvatore S. Calvo, Graduate Student, Stanford Management Science & Engineering 


Student Paper

Hidden Censors: How Indirect Intermediaries Shape Online Speech

Apr 2019
Anna Mitchell, Graduate Student, Computer Science, Stanford University 



Age Matters: Sampling Strategies for Studying Digital Media Effects

Apr 2019
Kevin Munger, Postdoctoral Fellow at the Princeton Center for the Study of Democratic Politics Mario Luca, Doctoral Candidate, Sciences Politique  Jonathan Nagler, Professor of Politics, NYU Joshua Tucker, Professor of Politics, NYU



Trends in the Diffusion of Misinformation on Social Media

Apr 2019
Hunt Allcott, Associate Professor of Economics, New York University Matthew Gentzkow, Professor of Economics, Stanford University  Chuan Yu, Research Assistant, Stanford University



Echo Chambers and Partisan Polarization: Evidence from the 2016 Presidential Campaign

Apr 2019
Erik Peterson, Assistant Professor of Political Science, Dartmouth College Sharad Goel, Assistant Professor, Department of Management Science & Engineering, Stanford University Shanto Iyengar, Professor of Political Science, Stanford University



SSIR – Spring 2019

Apr 2019


Digital Resources for Civil Society

Mar 2019
By Lucy Bernholz


The Internet’s Challenge to Democracy: Framing the Problem and Assessing Reforms

Mar 2019
Nathaniel Persily, James B. McClatchy Professor of Law, Stanford Law School 



Who Do You Sue? State and Platform Hybrid Power over Online Speech

Feb 2019
Daphne Keller, Director of Intermediary Liability, The Center for Internet and Society at Stanford Law School 




Threats to Racial Status Promote Tea Party Support Among White Americans

Feb 2019
Robb Willer, Matthew Feinberg, and Rachel Wetts. “Threats to Racial Status Promote Tea Party Support Among White Americans.” SSRN Working Paper.


Extreme Protest Tactics Reduce Popular Support for Social Movements

Feb 2019
Matthew Feinberg, Robb Willer, and Chloe Kovacheff. “Extreme Protest Tactics Reduce Popular Support for Social Movements.” SSRN Working Paper.


Glasnost! Nine Ways Facebook Can Make Itself a Better Forum for Free Speech and Democracy

Jan 2019
Timothy Garton Ash, Robert Gorwa, and Danaë Metaxa



Putting Social Movements in their Place

Jan 2019
Hilary Schaffer Boudet and Doug McAdam


Hyper-Organization: Global Organization Expansion

Jan 2019
Patricia Bromley and John W. Meyer

Student Paper

Hacking the discourse: Leaked emails, transparency, and disinformation – working paper

Jan 2019
Benjamin Sorensen, Stanford University ’18, B.A. Political Science



Philanthropy and Digital Civil Society: Blueprint 2019

Dec 2018
The Annual Industry Forecast by Lucy Bernholz


Mastering System Change

Oct 2018
Seelos, C., & Mair, J. 2018. Stanford Social Innovation Review(Fall):35-41.

Organizations, Article

The Pyramid of Nonprofit Responsibility: The Institutionalization of Organizational Responsibility Across Sectors

Sep 2018
Shawn Pope, Patricia Bromley, Alwyn Lim, and John W. Meyer


The Ethics of Designing Digital Infrastructure

Aug 2018
By Lucy Bernholz and Lyndon Ormond-Parker


The infrastructure behind the infrastructure

Aug 2018
By Lucy Bernholz

Research Paper

Fake News and Misinformation

Jul 2018


Student Paper

The Role of Open Source Technology in the Battle Against Fake News

Jun 2018
Hilary Sun, Stanford Law School 


Student Paper

Studying the Real Ramifications of Fake News

Jun 2018
Sarah Mahmood, Stanford Law School 


Student Paper

The Voting Technology Problem

Jun 2018
Margot Adams, Stanford Law School 


Student Paper

Social Media Echo Chambers & Democratic Discourse

Jun 2018
Helen Lawless, Stanford Law School 


Student Paper

Internet Immunity, Fake News, and Asymmetrical Action

Jun 2018
Thomas Davidson, Stanford Law School 


Student Paper

Antidemocratic Effects of the Internet & Social Media: A Survey

Jun 2018
Taisa Goodnature, Stanford Law School 


Student Paper

A Structure to Counter Fake News

Jun 2018
Travis Trammell, Stanford Department of Management Science and Engineering




Does Violent Protest Backfire? Testing a Theory of Public Reactions to Activist Violence

May 2018
Brent Simpson, Robb Willer, and Matthew Feinberg. 2018. “Does Violent Protest Backfire? Testing a Theory of Public Reactions to Activist Violence.” Socius.


Privilege on the Precipice: Perceived Racial Status Threats Lead White Americans to Oppose Welfare Programs

May 2018
Rachel Wetts and Robb Willer. 2018. “Privilege on the Precipice: Perceived Racial Status Threats Lead White Americans to Oppose Welfare Programs.” Social Forces.


Unethical and Inept? The Influence of Moral Information on Perceived Competence

May 2018
Jennifer Stellar and Robb Willer. 2018 “Unethical and Inept? The Influence of Moral Information on Perceived Competence.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 114: 195-210.

Research Paper

Nonprofit Data Governance

May 2018
By Lucy Bernholz and Rob Reich

Research Paper

Trusted Data Intermediaries

May 2018
By Lucy Bernholz

Student Paper

The Mixed Promise of Public Broadcasters in Combating Fake News

Apr 2018
Jared Crum, Stanford Law School


Article, Education

Organizing for Education: A Cross-National, Longitudinal Study of Civil Society Organizations and Education Outcomes

Mar 2018
Patricia Bromley, Evan Schofer, and Wesley Longhofer


Serve or Conserve: Mission, Strategy, and Multi-Level Nonprofit Change During the Great Recession

Jan 2018
Aaron Horvath, Christof Brandtner, and Walter W. Powell

Research Paper

Universal Basic Income: Safety Net 2.0

Dec 2017
By Juliana Bidadanure

Research Paper

Place, Scale, and Depth of Impact: Place-based Philanthropy

Dec 2017
By Maeve Richards

Article, Research Paper

A Mistmatch in Philanthropic Interest and Support

Dec 2017
By Caitriona Fay

Article, Research Paper

Innovating Philanthropy

Dec 2017
By Kathleen Kelly Janus

Article, Research Paper

Globalizing Philanthropy

Dec 2017
By Eric Nee

Research Paper

Effective Altruism: Doing the Most Good

Dec 2017
By Hilary Cohen and Rob Reich

Research Paper

Designing for Strategic Philanthropy

Dec 2017
By Paul Brest and Nadia Roumani

Research Paper

Can Philanthropy Help Protect Democracy?

Dec 2017
By Lucy Bernholz

Research Paper

Cultivating the Next Generation of Givers

Dec 2017
By Kim Laughton

Research Paper

Beyond Funding: Leveraging Your Full Philanthropic Toolkit

Dec 2017
By Anne Marie Burgoyne and Will Fowler


Demystifying the Theory of Change Process

Dec 2017
By Kathleen Kelly Janus


Philanthropy and Digital Civil Society: Blueprint 2018

Dec 2017
The Annual Industry Forecast by Lucy Bernholz


Can Democracy Survive the Internet?

Dec 2017
Nate Persily, James B. McClatchy Professor of Law, Stanford Law School 


The Nonprofit Sector: A Research Handbook, Second Edition

Dec 2017
Walter W. Powell and Richard Steingberg

Research Paper

Managing Through Challenges: A Profile of San Francisco Bay Area Nonprofits

Dec 2017
By Denise L. Gammal, Caroline Simard, Hokyu Hwang, and Walter W. Powell

Article, Organizations

Casting call: The expanding nature of actorhood in U.S. firms, 1960-2010

Jun 2017
Patricia Bromley and Amanda Sharkey


Philanthropy and the Social Economy: Blueprint 2017

May 2017
The Annual Industry Forecast by Lucy Bernholz


Innovation and Scaling for Impact

May 2017
By Christian Seelos and Johanna Mair


The Humanitarian Data Ecosystem: The Case for Collective Responsibility

Sep 2016
Jos Berens, Nathaniel Raymond, Gideon Shimshon, Stefaan Verhulst, Lucy Bernholz


When Innovation Goes Wrong

Aug 2016
Seelos, C., & Mair, J. 2016. Stanford Social Innovation Review(Fall):27-33.


Philanthropy in Democratic Societies

Jul 2016
Book edited by Rob Reich, Chiara Cordelli, and Lucy Bernholz


The Role of Decision Science

Jul 2016
Paul Brest


Political Scientists Should Study Philanthropy

Jul 2016
Theda Skocpol


The Social Structure of Political Echo Chambers: Variation in Ideological Homophily in Online Networks.

May 2016
Andrei Boutyline and Robb Willer. 2016. “The Social Structure of Political Echo Chambers: Variation in Ideological Homophily in Online Networks.” Political Psychology.

Research Paper

2015 Survey on Board of Directors of Nonprofit Organizations

Apr 2016
David F. Larcker, Nicholas E. Donatiello, Bill Meehan, Brian Tayan


Philanthropy and the Social Economy: Blueprint 2016

Dec 2015
The Annual Industry Forecast by Lucy Bernholz


Design Thinking and Strategic Philanthropy Case Study (August 2015)

Nov 2015
Nadia Roumani, Paul Brest, and Olivia Vagelos


Integrating Capacity and Strategy

Sep 2015
A Handbook for Next Generation Grantmakers By C.R. Hibbs


Problem Solving, Human-Centered Design, and Strategic Processes (October 2015)

Sep 2015
Paul Brest, Nadia Roumani, Jason Bade

Research Paper

The Emergence of Digital Civil Society

Aug 2015
Lucy Bernholz, Chiara Cordelli, Rob Reich


Innovate and Scale: A Tough Balancing Act

Aug 2015
Seelos, C., & Mair, J. 2013. Stanford Social Innovation Review(Summer): 12-14.

Research Paper

Organizational Capacity for Continuous Innovation

Jul 2015
Christian Seelos and Johanna Mair


From Gulf to Bridge: When Moral Arguments Facilitate Political Influence

May 2015
Matthew Feinberg and Robb Willer. 2015. “From Gulf to Bridge: When Moral Arguments Facilitate Political Influence.” Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.


Logic Models: An Overview

Mar 2015
curated by Paul Brest


Philanthropy and the Social Economy: Blueprint 2015

Dec 2014
The Annual Industry Forecast by Lucy Bernholz


Philanthropy and the Social Economy: Blueprint 2014

Dec 2014
The Annual Industry Forecast by Lucy Bernholz

Research Paper

The Shifting Ground Beneath Us: Framing Nonprofit Policy for the Next Century

Sep 2013
Lucy Bernholz, Rob Reich, and Chiara Cordelli

Research Paper

Good Fences: The Importance of Institutional Boundaries in The New Social Economy

Sep 2013
Rob Reich, Lucy Bernholz, and Chiara Cordelli


The Moral Roots of Environmental Attitudes

Jun 2013
Matthew Feinberg and Robb Willer. 2013. “The Moral Roots of Environmental Attitudes.” Psychological Science. 24:56-62.


For Whom Do the Ends Justify the Means? Social Class and Utilitarian Moral Judgment

May 2013
Stéphane Côté, Paul Piff, and Robb Willer. 2013. “For Whom Do the Ends Justify the Means? Social Class and Utilitarian Moral Judgment.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 104:490-503.


Hidden Paths from Morality to Social Order: Moral Judgments Promote Prosocial Behavior

Apr 2013
Brent Simpson, Ashley Harrell, and Robb Willer. 2013. “Hidden Paths from Morality to Social Order: Moral Judgments Promote Prosocial Behavior.” Social Forces. 91:1529-1548.


Overdoing Gender: A Test of the Masculine Overcompensation Thesis

Mar 2013
Robb Willer, Christabel Rogalin, Bridget Conlon, and Michael T. Wojnowicz. 2013. “Overdoing Gender: A Test of the Masculine Overcompensation Thesis.” American Journal of Sociology. 118:980-1022. PRESS RELEASE.


Gut Check: Reappraisal of Disgust Helps Explain Liberal-Conservative Differences on Issues of Purity

Jan 2013
Matthew Feinberg, Olga Antonenko, Robb Willer, E.J. Horberg, and Oliver P. John. 2013. “Gut Check: Reappraisal of Disgust Helps Explain Liberal-Conservative Differences on Issues of Purity.” Emotion. 14(3):513-521.


Apocalypse Soon? Dire Messages Reduce Belief in Global Warming by Contradicting Just World Beliefs

Jan 2013
Matthew Feinberg and Robb Willer. 2011. “Apocalypse Soon? Dire Messages Reduce Belief in Global Warming by Contradicting Just World Beliefs.” Psychological Science. 22:34-38.


Philanthropy and the Social Economy: Blueprint 2013

Jan 2013
The Annual Industry Forecast by Lucy Bernholz

Research Paper

To Act or Not to Act: Context, Capability, and Community Response to Environmental Risk

Nov 2012
Rachel A. Wright and Hilary Schaffer Boudet

Research Paper

Leadership for Feminist Movement Building

Jan 2012
Miranda Mammen, Women’s Glib; Vanessa Daniels, Groundswell Fund; Shannon Farley, Spark; Helen Kim, Building Movement Project; Linda Burnham, Women of Color Resource Center; Kim Meredith, Stanford PACS; Moderated by Casey Nichols, Stanford University, PhD Candidate, Department of History


Philanthropy and Social Investing: Blueprint 2012

Dec 2011
The Annual Industry Forecast by Lucy Bernholz


The Worldwide Spread of Environmental Discourse in Social Studies, History, and Civics Textbooks, 1970–2008

Nov 2011
Patricia Bromley, John W. Meyer, and Francisco O. Ramirez


Giving 2.0: Transform Your Giving and Our World

Oct 2011
Laura Arrillaga-Andreessen, PACS founder/advisory board chair


Giving Well

Jul 2011


A Simple Change in Phrasing Can Increase Voter Turnout

Jul 2011
Christopher Bryan, Postdoctoral Psychology Researcher Co-authors, Greg Walton, Carol Dweck and Todd Rogers

Research Paper

Organizational Mechanisms of Scaling Social Enterprises

Jun 2011
Christian Seelos and Johanna Mair


Philanthropy and Social Investing: Blueprint 2011

Dec 2010
The Annual Industry Forecast by Lucy Bernholz

Research Paper

The Embeddedness of Social Entrepreneurship: Understanding Variation Across Local Communities

Jun 2010
Christian Seelos, Johanna Mair, Julie Battilana and M. Tina Dacin.


Civil Society, Philanthropy and the Fate of the Commons

Mar 2010
Bruce Sievers, PACS Visiting Scholar.


Philanthropy and Social Investing: Blueprint 2010

Dec 2009
The Annual Industry Forecast by Lucy Bernholz