Digital Civil Society Lab

Digital Assembly and Association

This research cluster investigates how digital systems bound our opportunities for gathering and associating online and offline for community, civic, and political action.

Numerous research efforts are underway to understand and respond to the challenges digital technology poses to freedom of expression. However, less attention is paid to how digital dependencies matter for another critical building block of democratic participation and civil society: our ability to assemble and associate with others. This research cluster investigates how digital systems bound our opportunities for gathering and associating online and offline for community, civic, and political action.

Digital Assembly Research Network

A global community of research and practice. Members conduct, examine, or research work that addresses the ways digital systems influence our ability and right to assemble. (Ongoing)

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Digital Surveillance, Civil Society and The Media During the Pandemic

A media monitoring project exploring news coverage of digital privacy and surveillance issues related to the covid-19 pandemic. (2021)

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AI, Assembly and Democracy

A collaborative, multidisciplinary edited book focused on how artificial intelligence matters for people’s ability to freely assemble in online and physical spaces. (2021)

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