Philanthropist Resource Directory
Peace and Security Funders Group

Peace and Security Funders Group
In Their Own Words
The Peace and Security Funders Group (PSFG) is a growing network of foundations and individual philanthropists investing in peace and global security. PSFG is dedicated to enhancing the effectiveness of philanthropy that's focused on peace and security issues. To this end, PSFG facilitates the exchange of information and ideas; fosters collaboration; and provides educational opportunities for its members. Our current objectives (through 2020) are to: 1. Provide opportunities for members to share information and best practices, connect within and beyond PSFG, and seed collaborations. 2. Create bridges between the philanthropic and public sectors by cultivating relationships, convening meetings, and brokering partnerships between PSFG members and policymaker peers around shared interests and goals. In addition, PSFG will seek to catalyze a shift in our membership to embrace and implement a more diverse, inclusive, and equitable approach to peace and security funding; and build a case for why diversity, equity, and inclusion are integral to increased effectiveness of peace and security grantmaking.