PACS Names 2020-21 PhD Fellows
The Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society is pleased to welcome the Ph.D. fellows who will be joining us for the 2020-21 academic year. Our fellows will spend the academic year participating in a year-long research workshop, engaging in discussions with featured faculty, and contributing to other parts of academic life at the Center. Fellows will gain new knowledge across...
Practitioner Fellowship for Social Sector Leaders Application Opened
Digital Civil Society Lab (DCSL) and the Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity (CCSRE) launched a Practitioner Fellowship application to support social sector leaders interested in developing ideas to benefit civil society. They will be looking to support projects that include: designing tools to protect civil society actors and advance racial justice, developing policy frameworks to govern the...
Designing Healthy Polling and Voting in Partnership with Nate Persily
The Stanford Design School has just launched a healthy polling place guidebook and poll worker training materials as part of the joint Stanford-MIT project on Healthy Elections that brings academics and election administration experts together to assess and promote best practices for the 2020 election in the wake of the challenges we face due to COVID-19. The project is being...
PACS Postdoctoral Scholars Announced
Stanford PACS is pleased to welcome our incoming Postdoctoral Scholars for the 2020-21 academic year: Samantha Bradshaw, James Chu, Soojong Kim, and Ashley Lee. Dr. Bradshaw received her Ph.D. from the Oxford Internet Institute where she studied the producers and drivers of computational propaganda. Her fellowship research will examine the gender dimensions of disinformation, and how harassment and misogyny...
A message of solidarity
Sadness, anger, resolve. We are living through one of the most trying periods we have faced as a nation. It is as if the United States is experiencing a combination of the 1918 pandemic and the tumultuous and violent 1968 election year all at once, and all while levels of trust in government are at record lows and with a...
Donor Advised Funds Webinar – Most Frequently Asked Questions
By Paul Brest and Erinn Andrews, Effective Philanthropy Learning Initiative, Stanford PACS Thank you to the 1,127 participants of our DAF webinar on May 14! We greatly appreciated the quality as well as quantity (almost 250) of your questions, and will respond to some of them here that we couldn’t answer during the live event. As background, the webinar was...
A Message from Kim Meredith
Dear Friends and Colleagues, I hope you are safe and well. This global pandemic is unlike anything we have experienced in our lifetimes. Associated health and economic crises have shed further light on the incredible depth of need in our communities, calling each of us to do what we can to contribute to our collective societal good. It is with...
Stanford and MIT Launch Joint Initiative to Support Healthy Elections
Stanford and MIT launched the “Stanford-MIT Project on a Healthy Election,” a joint initiative to address the unprecedented and ongoing threat that the COVID-19 pandemic poses to the 2020 Election. The project will be co-led by Nathaniel Persily, the James B. McClatchy Professor of Law at Stanford, Co-Director of the Program on Democracy and the Internet at Stanford PACS and...
Update from Stanford PACS Regarding COVID-19
Dear Friends and Colleagues, I hope this message finds you and your loved ones safe and well as we grapple with the spread of COVID-19 worldwide. This week a “shelter in place” mandate was put into effect in six counties in the San Francisco Bay Area, followed by a statewide directive, to combat the worst pandemic most of us have faced in...
New Report Charts Path Forward for Digital Civil Society
Civil society organizations need targeted support and learning platforms to enable them to advocate effectively on the digital policy issues that shape modern societies. So finds a new report from Stanford’s Digital Civil Society Lab, released today. The report offers a roadmap that meets organizations where they are and proposes ways to help them develop their capacity and build coalitions....