

Stanford PACS’ Digital Civil Society Lab to House Dark Patterns Tip Line for Identifying Deceptive Digital Designs

Palo Alto – The Digital Civil Society Lab (DCSL) at Stanford PACS is thrilled to announce that it will provide a permanent home for the Dark Patterns Tip Line, a unique public resource for identifying and addressing deceptive and harmful design practices for apps and websites.  Dark patterns are common design tactics used in websites and apps to coerce users...

Stanford PACS Announces Fall 2021 Small Grant Winners

Stanford PACS is excited to share our four Small Grant winners: Erik Santoro, Catherine Sirois, Katherine Clayton, and Alexander Landry. The Small Grants program provides undergraduate and graduate students with the opportunity, on a quarterly basis, to fund research projects in the areas of philanthropy and civil society. As part of the award experience, these researchers are also welcomed into...

Perpetual launches Australian Philanthropy Toolkit with Stanford

Perpetual Private has launched an Australian Philanthropy Toolkit (the Toolkit) as part of its ongoingpartnership with the Stanford Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society (Stanford PACS), based inCalifornia, USA. Developed by Stanford PACS and adapted for the Australian market by Perpetual, the Toolkit is the firstof its kind in Australia, providing a practical step-by-step resource designed to help individuals, familiesand...

Book Release: SYSTEM ERROR

Where Big Tech Went Wrong And How We Can Reboot Authored by Rob Reich, Mehran Sahami & Jeremy M. Weinstein A forward-thinking manifesto from three Stanford professors—experts who have worked at ground zero of the tech revolution for decades—which reveals how Big Tech’s obsession with optimization and efficiency has sacrificed fundamental human values and outlines steps we can take to...


Program on Democracy and the Internet Launches New Content Policy & Society Lab (CPSL)

Palo Alto, CA – Harmful content circulates widely on the internet, exploiting policy and technical vulnerabilities on every platform. The global nature of these platforms requires a multi-stakeholder approach to content moderation in order to provide adequate responses to challenges posed by differences in culture, language, and communities. The newly launched Content Policy & Society Lab (CPSL) will prototype a...


D4GX India 2021 Empowerment Challenge – Applications Open Until September 7th, 2021.

Since January 2021, Dasra, in partnership with Bloomberg, Societal Platform, and Stanford PACS, has been hosting a series of events as part of the Data for Good Exchange (D4GX) 2021 India, with the aim of enabling data agency for India’s most vulnerable communities. Thank you for being a part of these events and sharing your thoughts. The pandemic has set...

Digital Civil Society Lab Fellow’s Work Nominated for New York Emmy Award

Digital Civil Society Lab Practitioner Fellow Mutale Nkonde has had a news piece she worked on nominated for a New York Emmy. The piece is part of her larger non-profit organization, for which she serves as founding CEO, AI for the People (AFP). AFP works as a communications agency to help eliminate the under-representation of black professionals in the American...

Stanford University Press Launches Stanford Social Innovation Review Books

Stanford Social Innovation Review (SSIR), the pre-eminent publication of Stanford PACS, is pleased to announce the creation of a new book series in partnership with Stanford University Press (SUP): Stanford Social Innovation Review Books. The series will be published as part of the Stanford Business Books imprint, allowing  Stanford Social Innovation Review Books to reach across sectors and examine important...

New Study Uses Crowdsourcing to Strengthen American Democracy

Americans have always disagreed about politics, but now levels of anti-democratic attitudes, support for partisan violence, and partisan animosity have reached concerning levels. While there are many ideas for tackling these problems, they have never been gathered, tested, and evaluated in a unified effort. To address this gap, the Stanford Polarization and Social Change Lab is launching a major new initiative. The Strengthening...

“I, Obscura,” a dark pattern zine launched from Stanford and UCLA

“I, Obscura“, a dark pattern zine created through collaboration between UCLA’s Center for Critical Internet Inquiry and Stanford’s Computer Science Course “Bridging Policy and Technology Through Design,” has been launched and made available to the public.  The zine features manipulative patterns that companies use to trick unsuspecting users into doing what they want. It includes nine case studies, ranging from...