Consuelo Amat and Natalie Cadranel – Working with History’s Avengers at the Nexus of Academia and Grassroots Technology

November 19th, 2019 - 6:00 pm
Building 200, Room 303
450 Serra Mall
Stanford, CA 94305
How do the worlds of academic research, product development and activism intersect? Citizen journalists are using their phones to record history as it unfolds, as well as platforms like YouTube to bring attention to what is happening in their backyard. Academics create and use archives to conduct research about protests, increasingly relying on social media content as a major source of data. High tech professionals develop apps that respond to people’s needs and that are commercially viable. In this lecture Natalie Cadranel and Consuelo Amat will discuss the tensions between these three actors and examples of productive ways to collaborate. We seek to support activists who would like to record and share sensitive information with the world, to build tools that preserve this information for posterity while protecting the creator, and to find ways to make academic research more viable and ethical.
This talk is presented as a part of the Comm230X +1 Speaker Series, and is open to both Stanford students and the general public.