
Digital Impact Grants

Via the Digital Impact initiative, the Digital Civil Society Lab aims to advance research and innovation to improve the safe, ethical and effective use of data in the social sector.

The 2018 Digital Impact Grants cycle is open as of  April 25 and will close June 25, 3018. View the full RFP here.

Digital Impact Grants fund research and innovation to strengthen the safe, ethical, and effective use of digital resources in civil society. A fundamental goal of the program is to support better data-informed decision making in philanthropy (particularly individual giving) and in the social sector writ large.

The program awards grants for two types of projects: scholarly research and sector advancement. Our aim is to foster innovations and research that have broad application for improving knowledge, practices, and outcomes across the social sector.

Connect with us @dgtlimpact to stay informed about future opportunities.

View the 2016 awards announcement and the  2017 awards announcement.

Explore an interactive data visualization of the ideas and projects proposed through the 2016 grants cycle, and view full lists of applicants for the 2017 cycle and 2016 cycle who agreed to publicly share details about their projects.

Please email hello@digitalimpact.org with questions about the Digital Impact Grants program.