PACS news / April 29, 2020

A Message from Kim Meredith

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

I hope you are safe and well. This global pandemic is unlike anything we have experienced in our lifetimes. Associated health and economic crises have shed further light on the incredible depth of need in our communities, calling each of us to do what we can to contribute to our collective societal good.
It is with this spirit of inspired determination that I am writing to share that after 11 years as inaugural Executive Director at Stanford PACS, I have accepted the position of CEO at San Francisco General Hospital Foundation (SFGHF) for the Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital.
I have truly loved my time here with all of you! When I arrived in June 2009 there were three faculty co-directors, five PhD fellows, the PACS workshop, a new Advisory Board and 1.25 staff – a .25 assistant and me. A year later we had acquired SSIR and then launched our initial research projects. Since then, we have added eight research initiatives, have 25 full time staff, 11 Post-Docs, a China Program, SSIR Global, the Philanthropy Innovation Summit and our new First Principles Forum, a bustling schedule of public events, and a multitude of resources. Today Stanford PACS is a thriving vibrant center thanks in large part to you – our incredible community!
This was a difficult decision for me, but it is also a unique opportunity at this critical moment in time. SFGHF has an endowment but also requires new funding to support academic research for 20 research institutes/centers at the hospital for healthcare innovation – all physicians are UCSF faculty. Equally important, SFGHF is responsible for supporting safety net services for crisis and trauma victims, the homeless population, new and undocumented immigrants, mental health patients, and our more vulnerable elderly community. There is remarkable urgency to the work of this vital institution in this unprecedented moment.
My last day as Executive Director will be June 5, 2020. I am pleased to share that I have been invited to immediately transition to the Stanford PACS Advisory Board and I very much look forward to supporting the Center in this new and different role. Between now and June, I am fully committed to ensuring a smooth process working with the faculty, senior team and all of you. More details about the transition process and plans will be forthcoming.
Importantly, I won’t be very far away. I look forward to staying in touch. For now, please accept my deepest gratitude for all you have done to nurture and support Stanford PACS, and me, over these past 11 years. I am deeply grateful for your generosity of intellect, action, heart, and mind.
Most sincerely,

Kim Meredith