Making a difference without millions: How Americans give now

November 4th, 2021 - 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm PT
Online event
Join our distinguished panelists for a dynamic discussion on Lucy Bernholz’s new book, How We Give Now: A Philanthropic Guide for the rest of Us. This event is hosted by the Associated Press, The Conversation, and The Chronicle of Philanthropy. Open to the public.
- Lucy Bernholz - Author of How We Give Now; Director, Digital Civil Society Lab; Senior Research Scholar, Stanford PACS
- Tiffani Ashley Bell - Executive Director of The Human Utility
- Maria Smith Dautruche - Director of the Westchester Center for Racial Equity
- Sara Lomelin - Executive Director of Philanthropy Together
- Eden Stiffman - Discussion Moderator and Senior Editor at the Chronicle of Philanthropy: