Integrating Philanthropy & Investing to Maximize Impact

Beyond Philanthropy: Unlock the Power of Your Total Portfolio
For the first time, Stanford PACS and the Center for Sustainable Finance and Private Wealth (CSP) unite to offer an immersive program designed for philanthropists and impact investors ready to maximize their total portfolio’s social and environmental impact.
- Learn how to combine investment, philanthropic, and non-financial capital to effectively address today’s environmental and social challenges.
- Discover an integrated approach that brings together systemic investing and philanthropy to achieve lasting solutions.
- Experience Bay Area site visits that showcase how integrated capital approaches reshape systemic inequities in local communities.
- Limited to 20 participants, ensuring personalized attention and meaningful connections.
- Program fee: $6,899. Early registration and partner discounts available.
The Center for Sustainable Finance and Private Wealth (CSP) is headquartered at the University of Zurich. CSP equips wealthy investors with science-backed tools to drive sustainable development. Our programs have helped mobilize $32 billion in impact capital across 500+ investors globally.
The Stanford Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society (PACS) is a global interdisciplinary research center and publisher of the Stanford Social Innovation Review (SSIR). Stanford PACS develops and shares knowledge to improve philanthropy, strengthen civil society, and address societal challenges.