Climate Change and The Voluntary Sector Virtual Speaker Series

October 5th, 2021 - 11:00 am to 12:00 pm PDT
Online Event
Climate Change Vulnerability and Resilience of the Nonprofit Social Safety Net
This project investigates institutional vulnerability to climate change within the charitable sector. Across the nation, each new federal emergency response plan assumes an explicit and steadily expanding role for local charities in disaster response. Yet government hazard assessments leave charities out. As a result, we do not know how resilient these organizations are, especially in the face of more extreme and unpredictable natural disasters. What is the risk of the social safety net failing? Using primary (surveys, interviews) and secondary (governmental, insurance) data, and building on the lessons of this pandemic, this project will develop, test, and refine a model for assessing the vulnerability and resilience of Indiana’s local health, human, and social service infrastructure, with a focus on service continuity and planning. The end goal is an efficient, replicable, theory-driven approach to assessing climate-change-related natural disaster vulnerabilities and capacities of the nonprofit social services infrastructure.
- Beth Gazley - Professor, Paul H. O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs; Associate Vice Provost for Faculty and Academic Affairs Indiana University
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