Accountability for Impact Investing
May 11th, 2018 - 12:45 pm to 2:00 pm
Manning Faculty Lounge, Stanford Law School
559 Nathan Abbott Way
Stanford, CA 94305
Impact investors seek social change and sustainability. However, for investments in areas with weak rule of law, where local conflicts can undermine both financial and impact returns, unintended consequences can include harm to the very people and environments that the investors are trying to help. What tools do investors have to understand the local context and address conflicts? New and emerging tools are needed.
Accountability Counsel has partnered with Stanford Law School’s Policy Lab to investigate these tools and how they might be adopted. Please join a lunch discussion to learn more with Professor Paul Brest and Accountability Counsel founder and Executive Director Natalie Bridgeman Fields.
- Business school students and others in economics and finance interested in impact investing and social change
- Law students interested in finance and/or public interest work (development, human rights, and environmental law)
- People on campus interested in evaluating and measuring impact in social change
- Students who are headed into public service internships and who anticipate a professional path in such work
Featured Speakers
Samer Araabi – Research Director, Accountability Counsel
Sydney Speizman – Executive Coordinator, Accountability Counsel
Marisa Lenci – Data Intern, Accountability Counsel
Moderated By:
Paul Brest – Faculty Codirector Stanford PACS, Professor of Law, Emeritus Director of the Law and Policy Lab
Natalie Bridgeman Fields – Accountability Counsel Executive Director