Taught by Rob Reich, Mehran Sahami, and Jeremy Weinstein
Ethics, Public Policy, and Technological Change is a new undergraduate course whose aim is to explore the ethical and social impact of technological innovation, marrying the humanities, social science, and computer science. The course will be co-taught by three leading Stanford faculty from Political and Computer Science. By having faculty with wide-ranging expertise design the course from the ground up, the course aspires to construct student experiences that robustly and holistically examine the impact of technology on humans and societies. The goal of the course is to bring about a fundamental shift in how students, whatever their choice of major and whatever their professional career pathway, think about their role as enablers and shapers of technological change in society.

From left, Jeremy Weinstein, Hilary Cohen, Mehran Sahami and Rob Reich of Stanford are developing a computer science ethics course. Credit: Christie Hemm Klok for The New York Times
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